by VV Group | 28. May 2019 | Corporate Group, Infrastructure, VentusVentures
Ludwigslust – On the former garrison area the demolition of the former barracks buildings is completed. The area shall be vacated completely by the end of June. Since the middle of April 2019 the demolition of the second and last barracks building has been continued....
by VV Group | 20. May 2019 | Corporate Group, Solar energy, VentusVentures
Warlow – Since February 2019 the solar park Warlow has already produced green electricitiy. On Monday (13.05.2019) the putting into operation was officially celebrated in the presence of mayor Rainer Zimmermann and municipality representatives. The altogether 2724...
by VV Group | 3. April 2019 | Corporate Group, VentusVentures
Hamburg – The VentusVentures Corporate Group successfully completed the 2018 financial year. In 2018, the corporate group presented its consolidated financial statements for the first time. and, with this consolidation, also rigorously implements the strategic...
by VV Group | 21. March 2019 | Solar energy, VentusVentures
Hamburg – Since Monday (18.03.2019) the solar park Schmerzke in Brandenburg is in operation and feeds power into the grid. For the PV rooftop system with an installed peak power of 749.93 kWp, an annual output of 707,000 kilowatt hours is expected. This will...
by VV Group | 1. March 2019 | Corporate Group, Infrastructure, VentusVentures
Hamburg / Ludwiglust – On Wednesday (20.02.2019) the city council Ludwigslust decided to support the project “Campus Wohnen & Arbeiten Ludwigslust”. The decision was preceded by events in the Urban Development Committee and discussions with the...