Hamburg – VentusVentures GmbH closed the 2017/2018 financial year with a record result.
Last year sales increased by 50% and the result more than doubled. Fixed assets as well as total assets grew by 25% compared to the previous year. The figures are an expression of the growth course that VentusVentures has consistently and successfully pursued in recent years.
VentusVentures GmbH expects further growth in the coming years as well. As the operating core brand of the VentusVentures Corporate Group, the company focuses on wind and solar energy as well as infrastructure. The company’s service portfolio includes financing and investment structuring as well as project development and project management. VentusVentures develops part of its assets for its own balance sheet.
The VentusVentures Corporate Group includes i.a. the brands bizz energy, eMIS and assettra.
The service provider assettra operates an auction platform for primarily institutional clients. The exchange-monitored trading center for corporate shares in wind and solar parks offers buyers and sellers transparent pricing, standardized processes and predictable transactions. Partner is the stock exchange Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Hanover.
eMIS is an infrastructure service provider that offers concepts for the development of rural mobility with the focus on public transport for public transport companies, public utilities and other companies wishing to electrify their vehicle fleet (s).